Restore Law & Order

Commitment to Safety and Order in Miami-Dade:

At the core of our campaign is a steadfast commitment to uphold law and order, ensuring that Miami-Dade remains a bastion of safety and security for all its inhabitants. We stand firm on a zero-tolerance stance against violence and disorder, fostering a community where peace and prosperity flourish.

Plans to Restore Law and Order:

  • Strengthening Law Enforcement:
    • Alex Otaola is committed to providing our law enforcement agencies with the necessary resources to ensure they can perform their duties effectively and efficiently.
    • He will promote policies that empower law enforcement officers to act firmly against crime, keeping our streets safe.


  • Rejecting Soft-on-Crime Policies:
    • Alex opposes the soft-on-crime policies that have increased crime rates in other cities like New York and California.
    • He will implement strict measures to ensure that criminals are brought to justice and our community is protected from violence.

  • Creating a Safe Environment for Growth:
    • A safe Miami-Dade is fundamental for economic development. Alex understands that security is the foundation upon which prosperity is built.
    • He will tirelessly create an environment where businesses thrive, and residents can live without fear.

Other Relevant Points:

  • Promoting Economic Growth:
    • Creating tax incentives to attract and retain businesses in Miami-Dade, generating well-paying jobs, and strengthening our economy.

  • Improving Education:
    • We should focus on teaching constitutional and heritage values and ensuring our children are prepared for life, not indoctrination.

  • Supporting Veterans:
    • Ensuring our veterans receive the assistance and medical care they deserve for their service and sacrifice.

  • Affordable Housing:
    • Implementing lasting solutions to promote affordable housing, facilitating new project construction, and offering residents homeownership opportunities.

  • Public Transportation:
    • Investing in improving public transportation to reduce traffic congestion and enhance mobility throughout the community.


Today, I stand before you not just as a candidate for Mayor of Miami-Dade County but as a passionate defender of our freedoms, community, and way of life. I am Alex Otaola, committed to fighting for the values that make Miami-Dade County a beacon of hope and prosperity.

We live in challenging times, where the fabric of our society is threatened by those who seek to impose a progressive agenda that undermines our freedoms, security, and quality of life. This is not just about misguided policies or well-meaning liberal ideas. No, my friends, this is about a deliberate attempt to transform our Democratic Republic into a full-blown Cuban-style authoritarian communism.

As your mayor, I pledge to stand firm against this insidious threat. I will fight and defeat those who seek to impose their Socialist Communist agenda on our people. Our community’s economic prosperity depends on the success of our businesses. I will create an environment that fosters business expansion and development, providing good-paying jobs for our residents. We will introduce substantial tax incentives to attract companies to Miami-Dade and oppose any tax increases that burden our hardworking citizens.

Today, I stand before you not just as a candidate for Mayor of Miami-Dade County but as a passionate defender of our freedoms, community, and way of life. I am Alex Otaola, committed to fighting for the values that make Miami-Dade County a beacon of hope and prosperity.


At the core of our campaign is a steadfast commitment to restoring law and order, ensuring that Miami-Dade remains a bastion of safety and security for all its inhabitants. We live in challenging times, where our community is threatened by violence and disorder. This is not just about misguided policies or well-meaning liberal ideas. No, my friends, this is about a deliberate attempt to undermine the peace and prosperity we cherish.


As your mayor, I pledge to stand firm against these threats. I will fight to ensure that our law enforcement agencies have the resources to perform their duties effectively and efficiently. We will promote policies that empower our officers to act firmly against crime, keeping our streets and neighborhoods secure.


We must reject the soft-on-crime policies that have led to increased crime rates in other cities like New York and California. These policies have destroyed communities, and we cannot allow the same to happen here in Miami-Dade. I will implement strict measures to ensure that criminals are brought to justice and that our community is protected from violence.


A safe Miami-Dade is fundamental for economic development. Security is the foundation upon which prosperity is built. I will tirelessly create an environment where businesses can thrive and residents can live without fear. This means fostering economic growth through substantial tax incentives to attract and retain businesses, generate well-paying jobs, and strengthen our economy.


Education is another cornerstone of our society. Our children deserve to be taught our constitutional values and heritage, preparing them for life, not indoctrination. As mayor, I will return decision-making power to parents, ensuring that our education system serves the needs of our families and our future.


Supporting our veterans is also a priority. We must ensure those who have sacrificed for our nation receive the assistance and medical care they deserve. Housing affordability is a significant concern, and I am committed to implementing lasting solutions to promote affordable housing for all residents. We will facilitate new construction and affordable housing projects, making rent more affordable and offering residents the opportunity to become homeowners.


Traffic congestion is a major problem in our community, and I am committed to finding solutions by investing in and improving public transportation to reduce traffic during peak hours. Additionally, I support the outright legalization of marijuana, which I believe will substantially increase state and county revenue, stimulate economic growth, and create jobs.


My campaign for mayor will be unlike any other political campaign. I will offer voters a hard line against those who impose their Socialist Communist agenda while also ensuring economic growth, better schools, job creation, and safer neighborhoods. Please join me in this crusade for a freer, safer, and more prosperous Miami-Dade County.


Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can protect our freedoms and ensure a brighter future for our children. Let’s do it differently, Miami-Dade. Let’s stand up and fight for what we believe in.


Thank you, and God bless Miami-Dade County.

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