Alexander Otaola, a prominent Cuban-American actor and host, has become one of the most influential voices in the Cuban community worldwide. Born in Camagüey, Cuba, on April 28, 1979, he has become a symbol of political activism against the Cuban dictatorship, charting a path of struggle and perseverance. The grandson of Horacio Otaola, a victim of the Castro regime’s embargo, Alexander carries a legacy of resistance in his blood.

From Cuba to Miami: A Journey towards Freedom

His journey to the United States in 2003 began a new life full of challenges and opportunities. In Miami, Otaola took on various jobs before returning to his passion for television. His charisma and talent led him to excel in comedy shows and soap operas and eventually become an influential host and political commentator.

Alexander Otaola: The Influencer Who Mobilizes Masses

Through “Hola! Ota-Ola”, Otaola has created a unique space combining information, satire, and opinion, becoming the go-to program for Cubans on and off the island. His influence extends beyond social media, rallying his followers in support of the freedom cause in Cuba. Interviews with figures like Donald Trump and Alvaro Uribe and discussions with leaders like Luis Almagro, Secretary-General of the OAS, highlight his commitment to denouncing Castroism and promoting democracy.

Campaign for the Miami-Dade Mayoralty: A Commitment to the Community

Now, as a candidate for the Miami-Dade mayoralty in 2024, Otaola promises to take his fight against communism to a new level, proposing bold measures to expel communists from the county and sanction those who support dictatorships in Latin America. His campaign promotes freedom, supports local businesses, and protects human rights, reflecting his vision of a Miami-Dade free from totalitarian influences.

A Leader for Change

Alexander Otaola is not just a candidate; he is a leader committed to change, a defender of freedom, and a tireless fighter for the rights of his community. His story is a testament to resilience, his influence is a force for mobilization, and his candidacy is a promise of a better future for Miami-Dade. With Otaola, Miami-Dade would gain not just a mayor, but a true champion of the people.